Chifley Skate Park

Randwick City Council is building a new $700,000 skate park in Chifley Reserve, off Bunnerong Road.

To help design the new skate park, Council set up an advisory group of local experienced skaters, skate park design specialists and Council landscape designers.

This group developed the design for this exciting new facility.The skate park will include a pump hump, euro gap, hubbas, grind rails, a boomerang bowl, taco, transitions, and a wedge bank with hubas. The designs have been presented at the local precinct committees meetings at La Perouse and Matraville.

The design includes shelter and weather screening, seating and landscaping with native plants.

The simple robust modular shade structure and laser cut steel screening walls will now use skate silhouette images.

See the artist perspectives and have a look at rhe indicative drawings and plans for further information.

The inclusion of a skate park in Chifley Reserve was an outcome of the community consultations undertaken in development of the Chifley Reserve Plan of Management.

You are invited to  Ask questions of Council about the plans up to 15 September 2014.

Thank you to everyone who asked a question. We will be responding to the final questions over the next fortnight.

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