Chifley Playground

New Playground for Chilfley Reserve.

Nominations for the working group have now closed.

We are looking for parents who would like to be part of a working group to help develop the design and chose equipment for a new playground in Chifley Reserve.

Randwick City Council wants the new playground to cater for children of all abilities.We aim to design and build a playground for children with and without disabilities, where they have opportunities to play together, one that encourages all children to explore, imagine, create, learn and just have fun playing with friends.

For the working group we are specially looking for:

  • parents living in Matraville or La Perouse and surrounding suburbs
  • and parents living in Randwick City who have a child with special needs.

The working group will have local parents, parents of children with special needs, disability support specialists and Council staff who are playground designers. It is anticipated that the working group will meet three to four times between October and December 2014.

You can nominate to be part of the working group here.

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